Basketball Injuries and Their Prevention

Physiotherapists have extensive training and experience in the optimal management of sporting injuries and can therefore reduce the amount of time that you would otherwise lose to injury.
For the purposes of this blog I am going to outline a few of the most common injuries seen in basketball and how as a player you could go about managing them better.
The Ankle Sprain
By far the most common basketball injury and often poorly managed injury.
First of all, try not to play on during the game if at all possible! Ice immediately and regularly for the first 24-48 hours or until you seek the advice of a Physiotherapist. Compression is also very important in the early stages so taping, compression bandages or even several pairs of tight socks will all help to control the swelling.
Heel Pain
This is very common in the younger basketballer between the ages of about 10-14 years old. Often this is related to high load jumping and landing and a concurrent growth spurt. The primary issue will then be linked to tightness in the calf muscles and sometimes the muscles in the foot. Simple measures such as more regular calf stretching before and after training and games followed by the application of ice will allow for better recovery and less tissue aggravation. Occasionally calf strength can be implicated also so Physiotherapy assessment will often help to identify where you are going wrong.
Knee pain
Knees are a major source of problems in basketball, especially if you play and train a lot. In the junior basketballer from 10-15 years old, Osgood-Schlatter Disease can be common. It is characterised by pain in the front of the knee post training and games. Often there is swelling and soreness to touch just under the kneecap. Appropriate treatment of this condition involves plenty of ice after activity, Quadriceps muscle stretching and usually strengthening of the Quadriceps as well.
If you have any further questions or queries about these or any other injury concerns, do not hesitate to contact MTM Physiotherapy Glengarry on 9246 4066 and one of our helpful Physiotherapists will be able to assist you.
Best of luck for the 2015 WABL season to all!
Andrew Stanford
Sports Physiotherapist
MTM Physiotherapy Glengarry

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